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Learn To Play Piano

Music Everywhere is a piano and music academy that focuses on bringing the magic of melody into every facet of daily life. We want to teach you to draw inspiration from your surroundings and hear the music of the world.

Weekly Classes

The best way to improve. Once or twice a week can sky-rocket your learning and abilities.

Monthly Classes

Don’t have time for weekly? Get your practice in on your own, and book a monthly, hyper-focused class to set you up for the next month.

Special Classes

Have a special request, or a specific goal in mind? Reach out to me and we can put together a plan for you.

About Me

Michele Chater

It is my goal to leave a nation-wide legacy of individuals who have reached their piano playing goals. All ages are welcome and my priority is ensuring lessons are inspiring and rewarding to all. Students work toward their personal goals and receive awards for accomplishments. It’s a great experience! I have a degree in music. I am an award winning pianist and organist. I’ve enjoyed playing professionally since I was 12. Music is who I am. I love inspiring all the gifts that playing the piano can bring to your life!




1: Schedule 20-30 minutes of practice each day for at least five days per week. Remember: playing is not practicing!

2: Complete all assignments, including theory.

3: Review carefully any suggestions or instructions given in the previous lesson.

4: Be ready to begin promptly at your lesson time. Remember the time slot is yours but when it’s up I will move on to the next student.

5: If questions arise, be sure to ask during the lesson! The teacher wants you to understand all assignments and succeed!

6: Fingernails should be kept trim. When playing with curved fingers, the nails should not click.

7: During the lesson please turn your cell phone to silent and make sure the lesson is in a quiet room free from distractions.